Friday, February 25, 2011


World in Conflict


Or WIC World in Conflict is a strategy game produced by Sweedish Video Game and distributed by Ubisoft. The game was launched in September 2007 and then an expansion in March 2009, called World in Conflict Soviette Assault.

System Requirements

Processor: 2.0 GHz
Ram Memory: 512 MB
Video Card: 128 MB
Hard Space: 8 GB



Tomb Raider Underworld


Tomb Raider: Underworld is the 8th century Tomb Raider game series. It is an action-adventure type game made by Crystal Dynamics, Buzz Monkey and Santa Cruz Games, the game is distributed by Eidos Interactive.
Crystal Dynamics has created versions of platforms Play Station 3, Xbox 360 and PC version was released in November 2008.
Santa Cruz Games has created for the Nintendo DS version, which was also released in November.
Buzz Monkey Software handled the Wii and Play Station 2 platforms, and were launched in January 2009.
The game received positive reviwer sites for PS3, Xbox 360 and PC versions.
TOMB Raider: Underworld Lara Croft action begins when looking legendary resting place of King Arthur.
Under the Mediterranean Lara discovers Thor's glove and then has a date with an old enemy, Jacqueline Natl.

System Requirements Processor: 2.5 GHz
Video Card: 128 MB
Hard Space: 8 GB